
There it is.  That is what the JoA looks to create and has been founded on since Day 1. 

Community for sure is one one of those overused words that is more important than ever, but somehow seems watered down or lost in the shuffle these days.  What does it mean to the JoA?

Simply put.  Everybody is Welcome.  Nobody is Perfect.  Anything is Possible.  EiWNiPAiP

Like pretty much all meaningful things in life, this is not original.  I first heard this mantra from a community creator (as far as I know, I have never met him), author, and pastor named John Ortberg.  I was introduced to Ortberg by a member of the JoA Community!  If this gets to anyone who knows John, have him give me a call, or tell him to come ride with us!  I believe that EiWNiPAiP is a tremendous summation of what true community looks like, smells like, feels like and that is what we are after.  Let’s take ‘em one at a time. 

Everybody is Welcome


Big or Small. Black or White.  Fit or Unfit.  Hard core biker or Never pedaled before.  Born in spandex or I would never wear that stuff.  Likeable or Unlikeable.  Socially polished or Socially inept.  All are welcome. As living, breathing humans, we love a challenge, and we are wired for Community.  We are wired for something larger than ourselves.  We are wired to push ourselves.

There are 2 hard parts to the Journey of Awesomeness and we shall take them 1 at a time.

#1 - The Miles (200+ over 2 days, or 100+ in a day)

This sounds way harder than it is.  You should absolutely shoot to complete the Journey, but if you are unable, no problem, we have a loving, mobile support crew on the course led by MacGyver that can scoop you.  We will only make fun of you a little bit 🙂

#2 - The Fundraising ($50*Your Age, or $25*Your Age)

This also sounds way harder than it is.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have heard it all before; “I don’t like asking people for money, I’m not good at it, etc.”  Head trash.  All of it.  The Hungry and Thirsty are counting on you and the people in your network care and are happy to support you.

These are both “stretch the comfort zone” kinda goals.  This is good.  Necessary.  This stretch is part of what builds the Community.  The bigger the challenge the stronger the Community.

You are most welcome to join us and push yourself to ride what you can and raise what you can.

Nobody is Perfect


Does that need repeating?  Did you really think you were 🙂?  By virtue of the fact that you are breathing, you are not perfect.  In my mind, the most important attribute for true empathy, for having a shot at loving your neighbor, is the foundational knowledge that you are imperfect (sorry).  My wife, like any good spouse, regularly reminds me that I ain’t perfect.  The first book I read of Ortberg’s has the most awesome title of Everybody’s Normal Until You Get to Know Them.  If you think you are perfect, this may not be the best event for you (just sayin’...).  C’mon in.  You are not expected to be perfect.  The person pedaling next to you is in the same boat.

Anything is Possible


Heck if this thing has gotten off the ground, that is proof enough.  It started with 14 of us in 2015, and has grown a wee bit to around 50 each year. 

We are committed to building true Community.  A community that God might have a shot at recognizing.  It is indeed what we are wired for, and how our Creator created us.  We need it as much today as we did yesterday.   A Community where indeed Everyone is Welcome, Nobody is Perfect, and Anything is Possible.  We are also committed to having fun, getting fitter, setting big goals, loving each other as best we can, building new relationships, strengthening old relationships, feeding the Hungry, and hydrating the Thirsty.  If any of that fits the bill for ya, c’mon out.



